Saturday, April 26, 2014

Kumi Meeting - May 26th, 2014

May 26th, 2014 - Mission Trip Meeting Today, the mission trip group discussed the logistics of the trip as well as the education sector of what will be happening in Uganda! Specifically, we went through applications, reviewing positions and jobs, going over the personal checklist of what to bring, and flight information. On a personal level, this meeting really opened up my eyes as to how...

Kumi Mission Trip 2014

Hello Everyone! First of all, Thank you for personally checking out our Kumi Mission Trip 2014 Blog! We will be giving you guys LIVE updates as to how we are all doing. Each and everyone of our members will be blogging at least once, some of us even twice! Also, keep updated for YouTube V-logs that will be updated after the Trip! You can see a lot of what we had done there and what the members...