Blog post by Jeffrey
Yoga Noi everyone!
Today was our 9th day in Kumi and so far the experience has been an AMAZING and inspirational learning experience. Throughout the trip, I have constantly learned new things that have and will continue to guide me through the challenges and paths in my life.
The VIM team members continued their last day working at the school. Each member painted both the base and part of the main paint onto some of the classrooms.
The staff there are working hard around the clock to the point where they even sleep there in order to get it prepared for the Commissioning Ceremony tomorrow, where many high officials will be attending such as a member of the parliament and mostly: the Minister of Education of Uganda. Additionally, two out of three of the youth members: Jacinto and I, will be marching from 7AM around the entire village of Kumi in order to get the word out about the school. This will be an exciting time for me to experience (and hot time since I will be wearing a suit in this trek) as the students would have just gotten their newly worn uniforms. Praise the lord.
Literally, we have just finished the Farewell Ceremony where we have eaten fresh pig and goat meat. As this was our last day in the school, it was both a happy and a sad moment as we sat under the stars: dancing, eating, laughing, talking, and more. It was planned for Jacinto to slaughter the goat for us to eat; however, a miscommunication led to the YCVM board members slaughtering the animal before we got the chance to do so. Despite not being able to kill the animal personally, the food was AMAZING and was delicious. While putting the raw meat onto the kebab stick, Michelle and Jacinto said that the raw pig smelled like Pho, the Vietnamese noodle. Both Donna and I were confused and did not think it smelled like that. (BTW if you have not already known this, Steve had been named the Goat and the pig had been named Michelle so tonight, we had Michelle and Steve for dinner who smelled like Pho. That'll be a story to tell when we return back to the states). Eyalama Noi to everyone who continue to support the VIM trip members in Kumi, Uganda. We all cannot wait to return and to tell you all about the amazing stories that we have experienced here in Uganda.
Thank you Jeffrey for coming out of that awful cold and rising to the top of your game to help everybody celebrate KCVS's opening and commissioning. Your enthusiasm and energy contributed greatly to all enjoying such a fantastic accomplishment of KCVS. Bring home those exciting stories for all to savor and bear witness to.